A Day In The Life
Have you ever wondered what an average day at Harris Academy Clapham looks like? Here's a quick overview of a typical school day.
Before school
The Academy gates open every morning at 7.45am and there is always a member of staff on duty to welcome our students. Our students and staff greet each other politely.
At 8am the canteen start serving breakfast and the library opens, if you want to pick up a new book to read or do some reading before the day starts. You can also use this time to play outside if you want to.
Personal Development and lessons
At 8.25 the whistle goes and we all line up in our tutor groups. By the time the next bell goes at 8.30 we are all already lined up in silence and paying attention to the instructions or messages. All our tutor groups move off swiftly to registration.
Students have personal development every morning for half an hour. During this time, students study our PRSHE programme to help prepare them for life beyond the academy.
At 9am students move to the first lesson of the day. All lessons last 80 minutes.
We have a split break and lunchtime at the academy, please visit timings of the day. Students get a 20 minute break time and a 40 minute lunch time.
Break and lunch time is a time to catch up with your friends, get something to eat, visit the library or play outside. Before school, break and lunch you are only allowed in the library, the canteen or outside. Eating is only allowed in the canteen. You are very welcome to bring your own packed lunch to eat at break or lunchtime.
Remember that we do not want to see you eating big bags of crisps, sweets or cookies. They really are not good for your body or your brain. And we definitely do not want to see you drinking any energy drinks! We are an allergy aware academy, so plan your packed lunch carefully.
After school
The end of the day is at 3:20pm on Monday -Thursday, after which our enrichment clubs start. You are expected to attend at least one enrichment club every week. On a Friday, the academy closes at 2:00pm.